In the process of finding your audience, you should also focus on the ways your audience likes to receive their information. This means that your content can and should be put out there in ways other than a digital or printed book, because there is a large audience to be found in those who prefer to listen to books rather than read the words on a page.
Media consumption is continually changing. Many years ago, digital books were little known. Now, they have become a primary source for most readers. Nowadays, we’re seeing a big surge in audiobook consumption, so it’s a smart play for any author to look into getting their books out in that format as well.
There are different paths to getting your audiobook produced, but once you have, it leads to the next question about how you should promote it.
You can use most of the same ways to promote an audiobook as a print or digital one: social media, print ads, blogs, articles, videos, audio marketing. There are reviewers out there who review audiobooks, so that’s an area to look into. We know that reviews drive sales for print and digital books, and it’s no different for audio.
You should also ask the narrator to take just as much of an interest and effort toward the success of the audiobook as you do. Your narrator is likely to have a website, just like you do, and you can cross-share information about your product. Some authors/publishers even place a clause in the narrator’s contract that requires them to promote the book...after all, their name is on the cover as well. You can consider other joint promotional ventures and help each other, since the success of the audiobook will be success for you both. Whether the narrator receives split royalties or one lump sum, their promotional efforts will still benefit them in landing future narrator projects.
It’s always important to keep your eye on the trend, because you never know what new, interesting formats may arise that you can also utilize to get your book out there. The more available and accessible you make your book, the more hands you can get it into—or into their ears!
If you are looking for dozens of ways to market, promote, and sell your book regardless of what format it’s in, visit https://www.pathtopublishing.com/product-page/act-like-an-author-think-like-a-business to purchase your copy of Act Like an Author, Think Like a Business: Ways to Achieve Financial Literary Success.