June is a busy month when it comes to awareness. This month, we acknowledge everything from Juneteenth (June 19th) to AIDS Awareness and Brain Awareness Month, National Indigenous Peoples Day, LGBT+ Pride Month, Father’s Day, Men’s Health Awareness, and so much more.
From June 21st to the 27th, however, we recognize Helen Keller Deaf-Blind Awareness week, which ends on Helen Keller’s birthday. She was born in 1880, and her legacy in the form of this week began just over a century later when then-President Reagan issued a proclamation for it in 1984.
The purpose of this week is to raise awareness about individuals living with a combination of hearing and vision loss. In doing so, we have to talk about access. As time and technology progresses, the options to help everyone have equal access to the world, to their work, and to their entertainment only increase.
At Path To Publishing, we are all about access. We want to make sure everyone has access both to tell the stories they need to tell but also to receive the information in the stories being told. Books and stories offer a wide breadth of options. Whether fiction or non-fiction, stories can have tremendous, even life-changing, effects on our lives.
They also have many ways to be accessible to people, from screen-reader programs and audio narration/audiobooks to visual text to braille. Stories can always be made accessible to those they are being told to, and technology helps make it easier for the storytellers as well.
Path To Publishing keeps accessibility in mind when it comes to the curriculum we create for writers to learn how to become published authors, and for published authors to learn how to turn their books into a business.
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