Pathfinder Literary Academy(TM)

If you enjoy the Path To Publishing free website, free newsletter, and the other free resources and material we offer, consider getting more in-depth, valuable insight and benefits in the Pathfinder Literary Academy, our Members Only Area, by subscribing to our paid website. If you think the free stuff is life and career changing, wait until you tap into what's in the membership program.
The Pathfinder Literary Academy paid website is interactive, fun, and full of information to help guide you down the road to literary and financial literary success. Whether you are an author/publisher or writer (traditional or indie) you'll gain access to useful tools, information, and resources that will add value to your literary and business efforts.
As part of the IBPA PubU2024 #MeetUsHalfway movement, we've decided not to gatekeep the years of information we've put inside Pathfinder Literary Academy by putting a financial barrier around it. Membership is a $299 value, but you can pay what you can. Pay less or pay more. Not only will you receive professional literary and publishing advice, tips and information, but you will receive writing advice, tips and suggestions as well in our live forums. We curated this information and updated monthly from 2017-2023. Since 2024 we update less regularly and quite randomly, but you'll be notified of all updates, and it will still be information and resources exclusively to the academy. In between the PTP updates, all members can communicate and write/share blogs, articles, tools, resources, opportunities 24/7.
An author’s book is the vehicle they put on the road for their literary journey. Editor and literary agent, the late great Dr. Maxine Thompson, who was coined a book doctor, and Ned Barnett, marketing expert and the author of over 38 books, will help you build and fix your book up with the column, "The Book Mechanic". Dr. Maxine Thompson knew all the elements involved in putting together a well-running vehicle (book), preventative maintenance, and even taking an old, non-running clunker, pulling out jumper cables, and getting it up and running and back on the road again. We are honored that she was able to share so many gems and jewels with us prior to her passing. Ned Barnett understands the importance of incorporating marketing strategies and techniques within the content of your book whether it's fiction or non-fiction.
The Path To Publishing paid website welcomes the literary industry's own version of "Dear Abby," author Nigeria Lockley and Candice "Ordered Steps" Johnson, with their "Plans, Passion and Purpose" column. With so much to consider and take in while trying to reach literary goals, authors can sometimes feel overwhelmed and want to throw in the towel. Allow these two literary inspirations remind you why you picked up the pen in the first place.
We also have a Members Forum where random writing and publishing tips will be added throughout the month. You, as a member, can contribute to the Members Forum as well.
Membership Also Includes
Lifetime access to our featured articles, which will sometimes highlight authors sharing their literary endeavors, journey, lessons, secrets, tips, and some out of the box resources they use to market, promote, and sell their books.
Experience our members only "Critique Corner" as well as our "Literary Ark," where authors pair up to cross-promote one another.
You don't want to miss out on any of the "Quick Vips", short video tips and advice to keep you on the right path toward reaching your literary goals. And what's better than tips and advice from experts on how you can market and promote your book for free?
One of the best, features (added August 2020) of the Members Only Website is our "Literary Video Academy", where courses, videos, and webinars are added for your unlimited viewing. The value of one video alone can cover the cost of the membership fee.
No matter where you are on your writing, publishing, and literary journey, there is always something you can learn . . . and teach. The Pathfinder Literary Academy is just the right place to do so.