At Path To Publishing, language is important. We believe that words have power, and we work with authors and publishers to use their words to not just create stories and write them, but to turn that writing into published works, then take those works and build literary businesses and empires around them.
One of the many reasons why in 1994, the UN chose to adopt the recognition of International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples on August 9th was to preserve the languages of Indigenous Peoples. 40% of the world's 7000 languages are considered endangered, and many of them are indigenous because those are particularly vulnerable without being taught at schools or used in the public sphere.
From the United Nations:
“We need indigenous communities for a better world.
There are an estimated 476 million indigenous peoples in the world living across 90 countries. They make up less than 5 per cent of the world's population, but account for 15 per cent of the poorest. They speak an overwhelming majority of the world’s estimated 7,000 languages and represent 5,000 different cultures.
Indigenous peoples are inheritors and practitioners of unique cultures and ways of relating to people and the environment. They have retained social, cultural, economic and political characteristics that are distinct from those of the dominant societies in which they live. Despite their cultural differences, indigenous peoples from around the world share common problems related to the protection of their rights as distinct peoples.
Indigenous peoples have sought recognition of their identities, their way of life and their right to traditional lands, territories and natural resources for years. Yet, throughout history, their rights have been violated. Indigenous peoples today, are arguably among the most disadvantaged and vulnerable groups of people in the world. The international community now recognizes that special measures are required to protect their rights and maintain their distinct cultures and way of life.
In order to raise awareness of the needs of these population groups, every 9 August commemorates the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, chosen in recognition of the first meeting of the UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations held in Geneva in 1982."
Join us here at Path To Publishing in our acknowledgement and celebration of the indigenous people of the world, as well as our hope and pledge to do what we’re able to for the welfare and dignity of these peoples as well as the preservation of language, words, and stories for and from everyone.