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Help Path To Publishing Pay Rent

It's still the "Big 5" New York publishing houses, as the U.S. Department of Justice has sued to block Penguin Random House and Simon & Schuster's merge.

According to the 11/3/2021 Shelf Awareness Pro newsletter, the complaint alleges "the acquisition of S&S for $2.175 billion would put PRH in control of close to half the market for acquiring publishing rights to anticipated top-selling books, leaving hundreds of individual authors with fewer options and less leverage."

On the outside looking in, Path To Publishing looks like it's only an author assistance and literary service provider helping people to write, publish, and distribute books, build a book business, and create multiple streams of cohesive literary income to sustain and grow their book business. But our mission, message, and purpose go beyond that. We're about empowering you and others with YOUR message, system, strategy, techniques, and testimonies.

Whether it's for personal, business, spiritual, mental, emotional, or financial development and growth, there is something about your story that can help someone else. And Path To Publishing is on assignment to make sure your story gets told by equipping you with the necessary tools, information, and resources, as well as educating you on the business of writing and publishing.

It's a known fact that within the publishing industry, there is very little diversity, equity, and inclusion. And with all that aside, it's no easy feat navigating around the industry gatekeepers - or the industry itself. So, instead of teaching individuals how to knock down doors, beg for a seat at someone else's table, move that darn little needle, or cut up their hands trying to break through glass ceilings, we teach them how to build their own book, book business, literary legacy, and literary empire.

Alice Walker is quoted as saying that her activism is her rent for living on this planet. Subscribing to that quote, the Path To Publishing CEO and founder says the following: "I refuse to be a squatter on this earth. I refuse to live rent-free. It's time to pay rent - with an increase! And the business and social efforts I personally engage in - and through the dealings of my company, Path To Publishing - is my currency. Why am I so passionate about what I do? Why do I have this unwavering commitment, dedication, faith, belief, and desire that my one little author assistance and literary service provider company can not only make a difference in the literary industry with its contributions and its support of the literary arts, but will make an earth-shaking impact? Because I'm convinced with unmovable confidence that by the time I leave this earth, my tab will read 'PAID IN FULL!' And I have the unstoppable courage to see it through."

And you can help.

When you subscribe to and read Path To Publishing newsletters, social media posts and blogs; when you utilize or recommend Path To Publishing's services; when you attend our annual "Act Like an Author, Think Like a Business" conference; when you take our courses, workshops, and webinars; when you join our free Path To Publishing Facebook group or our Pathfinder Literary Academy paid membership group, you are helping us pay rent.


And we hope you will continue to do so. Visit to learn more about our company, beliefs, values, services, and goals. And if you want to help subsidize another creative's journey toward writing and publishing their book, visit to contribute to our Excellence in Publishing Fund.


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