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Path To Publishing
“Act Like an Author, Think Like a Business” 2021 Conference
This is a PUBLISHING CONFERENCE, providing you the blueprint to both literary and financial literary success!

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On September 23 - 25 of 2021 at Hampton Inn & Suites 7 Hills Conference Center, the most phenomenal group of writers and authors, AKA literary artists and literary entertainers, will be gathered to display their dedication and commitment to the craft and business of writing and publishing by learning how to excel in their literary careers in a spirit of excellence.


Whether attending in-person (with a very limited number of attendees for the main sessions only) or online (Both main and breakout sessions will be virtual), once registered for the conference, you become an official #Pathfinder and a member of the Path To Publishing private Facebook community. In our community, we are not just writers writing, publishing, and selling books. We are literary architects building literary empires!


Path To Publishing doesn’t only want you to learn how to publish like a pro, turn your book into a business, and create multiple streams of income to sustain your business, but we want you to master it! With that being said, the conference now doubles as an MBA in Publishing 60-hour program. That means you don't leave with a collection of simple handouts distributed by presenters and instructors; your conference registration includes digital access to the course curriculum.


Whether you are a reader thinking about writing a book, a writer ready to get paid for writing, a self- published author, traditionally published author, Print on Demand author (Amazon/IngramSpark), an author published through a vanity press/publishing assistance company, or a hybrid author (a combination of any of the pre-mentioned), the Path To Publishing "Act Like an Author, Think Like a Business" 2021 Conference being held September 23-25, 2021 is for you!​




Regardless of which path to publication you have chosen or if you have literary representation, your book is YOUR business. So, this conference is for you no matter which path to publishing you decide to take.


If your publishing success is just as important to you as your writing success, then instead of going to yet another writing conference, don’t you think it’s time you attend a publishing conference?


If the business you build with your book to create multiple streams of income is just as important to you as book sales and royalties, then instead of going to another one of those “fun” conferences designed to give readers an experience with authors, don’t you think it’s time you attend a conference that can teach you how to make money as a writer and author outside of book sales and royalties, as well as learn how to publish a book that will give readers an experience within itself?


Are you ready to learn how to operate your literary business in thriving excellence and not mediocre struggle and lack?  If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then we’ll see you at the “Act Like an Author, Think Like a Business” 2021 Conference!


***COVID-19 Safety Statement, Measures and Procedures: Path To Publishing absolutely understands not feeling comfortable or being able to travel. Before making your final decision whether to attend in-person or virtually, we'd like to share with you the safety measures and procedures we have in place for this year's conference. In-person attendance is limited to only 50 persons so that we can continue to practice social distancing.  All registration bags will include masks, tissues (to sneeze into and dispose of immediately), hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes. The same materials will be available in the conference meeting space. Attendees, presenters, staff, and volunteers will receive safety procedures, recommendations, and tips that must be followed for the safety of everyone. All presenters, staff, and volunteers will also be wearing masks. Presenters will be permitted to remove masks during presentations, in which they will be six feet from attendees.  We have a designated staff member to enforce social distancing and safety procedures throughout the event. Attendees will have assigned seating, in which their spaces will be cleaned and disinfected after each conference day (supplies will be available for attendees to clean and disinfect at their leisure throughout the conference day). The only time masks should be removed is while eating, in which social distancing will be practiced and we'll be using disposable plates and utensils with individually prepared boxed lunches. We understand this is a new normal, so we will have signage throughout the conference space to remind everyone in attendance of the safety procedures. We understand that our safety precautions and procedures do not supersede any doctor's orders and/or recommendations, so each attendee is asked to make the best decision for their safety, health, and those of others. If you are not feeling well or are experiencing any systems of COVID-19, we ask you to stay home. We will be taking the temperature of each attendee. Anyone running a fever will be allowed to attend the conference virtually from their hotel room.***














What makes the ALAATLAB annual conference different from any other conference for writers and authors:


  • It's not a writing conference but, instead, a conference to teach you what to do with your writings, such as successfully publishing them, turning them into a business and making money with them.


  • We’re not geared toward just self-published authors or any single genre of authors. Our curriculum applies to any writer and author regardless of which path to publishing they choose or what type of genre they write. Our conference is even designed for the self-proclaimed non-writer, because we know you don't have to be a writer to be the author of your own story. There are resources available to help you write and publish your book, and you get those resources at this conference.


  • We don’t fill the conference space with vendors, presenters, sessions, and workshops with service providers whose ultimate goals it to get attendees to purchase their services and products. We’re all about attendees investing in themselves, in their books, and their book business.


  • We include in the cost of the registration fee lifetime digital access to all the curriculum taught in the conference main sessions. So, you walk away with more than a few sales brochures disguised as workshop handouts. You walk away with the literary blueprint!


  • Although on occasion some of our sanctioned events include workshops on the craft of writing, this conference is focused on the writing process (tools and resources to get your book written), the publishing process, turning your book into a business, and making money with your book and book business. We know that the publishing process is just as important as the writing of the book. As a matter of fact, publishing success is the ROI on the writing of the book. Whether you’ve written your book and are asking, “Now what?” or whether you’ve already published your book and are asking “Now what?”, ALAATLAB is your answer!   


  • This is NOT a networking event. At the Act Like an Author, Think Like a Business Conference, we do more than network. We create and build genuine relationships, partnerships, connections, collaborations, and even friendships. When Pathfinders show up, we know we are not just another attendee at a function, we are family. We find ways to NOT compete with one another, but to complement one another in our various endeavors based upon our individual lane of genius and skills. You befriend a #Pathfinder, and you have someone who is going to support you for life! 


  • What else do we have that most conferences don't? Attendee cancellation insurance!

Rainprotection - Coverage Sheet  Attendee - Inability to Attend

Path To Publishing will provide No Refunds if you are unable to attend. Instead, we now provide a refund insurance policy. Please see below:


Inability to Attend Insurance:  
Registration Insurance is now included in all registration fees. This coverage is underwritten by Lloyds of London.

You will receive a 100% refund, if you are unable to attend the event for a reason outside of your control that is covered under the policy. This coverage starts on the date you pay for registration and ends on the first date of the show.

Click Here which takes you to their claims website and then click on the tab Policy Terms & Conditions to see what is covered under the policy.



We’re not here to put on a show for our attendees. Vegas has enough shows. At the Path To Publishing Act Like an Author, Think Like a Business annual conference, our attendees, aka Pathfinders, are the show! We make it all about them. That is why the conference advisory board decided for the 2018 conference (and all future conferences) that speakers, instructors, and presenters would be chosen among those who are registered attendees of the conference, as well as representatives from the companies who will be exhibiting at or sponsoring the conference.


Our decision was based on the fact that some of the attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors provide services, workshops, workbooks, and business books and tools that will benefit their peers at the conference. A great deal of those registering for the conference (although some were aspiring and new writers) were already excelling literary wise, but understood we are part of an ever-changing industry where there is always something more to learn; something that would allow them to level-up and grow-up their literary business. We found that many were experts in certain areas, and that it only made sense for them to share their expertise with other conference attendees on a platform outside of typical conference networking and conversation. They were already vested and committed to the Path To Publishing conference mission, so it made sense, when seeking presenters, to fish within the talented pool of registered attendees.


Regardless of where we are on our literary journey, we all have more to learn and something to teach based on what we've already learned. That's the reason why we don't bring in guest presenters who have a plane to catch, meaning they get flown in to share a few pointers and then make a quick exit; presenters who are not right there with us in the trenches wanting to learn more, some who are no longer accessible after their presentations. We are fortunate that we don’t have to scour the earth looking for “keynotes”, “big names”, and “experts”, because those are the types of individuals who register for the conference. At the “Act Like an Author, Think Like a Business” Conference, we are ALL a BIG deal!


Proposals are required, reviewed, and voted on by the conference advisory board. If you plan on registering for the conference as an attendee and know you can add value as a presenter as well, after you have registered, please submit a proposal to teach a 90-minute breakout session to We look forward to you possibly showing up as both the student and the teacher!

What Information is Being Provided
(General Sessions -Virtual & In-Person)

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Day One: Building Your Book From the Ground Up (step-by step instruction of the self-publishing process)

Day Two: Building Your Literary Business from the Ground Up (teaching authors and writers how they should be operating as a business)

Day Three: Turning Your Book Into a Business (teaching writers/authors how to earn money beyond book sales by creating multiple streams of income).

An author's book is the vehicle they put on the road for their literary journey. On Day One of the conference, we help you build your dream car.


Day One 


Step-by-step instruction on how to self-publish without missing a beat! Even if you have already self-published before, we can guarantee that there is a step or two (or even a few) you missed along the process. Don't you want to go back and get it right? After all, when we know better, we do better. Come learn exactly what you need to do better.

If there was a pothole on your path to publishing you were stuck in, delaying you from reaching your literary goals, wouldn't you want the resources necessary to fill-in that pothole and get your vehicle (book) back on the road toward literary success? If so, then Day One of the conference is a must for you.


Day One will cover all five aspects of the publishing process:

Writing your book can be a passion, hobby, even a ministry, but selling the book is a business.


Day Two


Instruction will be all about building your literary business. Even if you haven't built your book yet, knowing what is required of you as an author/publisher is not something that you want to take lightly. The last thing you want to do is spend time, money, and energy building your dream book and literary business, only for Uncle Sam to come along and not only crush your business, but crush your dreams as well.

On Day Two you will learn about:
-Incorporating (or “doing business as”)
-Naming your book business/publishing imprint
-Separating business from personal
-Tracking income/expenses
Businesses don't make money, people do. As an author/writer, it's your job to earn the money to sustain your literary business and keep it thriving.

Day Three


For any serious author or writer who is ready to take their literary business/career to the next level. If you're ready to generate multiple streams of income as an author/writer to keep your business thriving, then you definitely don’t want to miss this session.

On Day Three you will learn:

-How to turn your book/writing into a business
-How to make money beyond book sales
-How to get other people to pay for your business endeavors
-How to secure paid writing gigs
-How to get grants and sponsors
-Professional titles you wear besides “author/writer”
-How to increase book sales without directly selling books
-How to make money from content you write outside of books


***First year conference attendees are strongly urged to attend main sessions only, especially if you are considering joining the MBA in Publishing Program, which requires you to attend all main sessions.***

(Virtual Only)

Thursday 9/23/21

Registration & Breakfast 8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. (Breakfast served in hotel dining area for registered guests)

8:45 a.m. Opening Remarks in 7 Hills Conference Center
9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m.  Valerie J. Coleman with Pen of the Writer “Achieving Success with Your Children’s Book”
10:30 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Cyrus Webb with Conversations "Think Outside the Book™: Affiliate and Influencer Income"
12:15 p.m.-1:15 p.m. Lunch and Learn “Defining the problem, solution, process, and results of your book and/or business” with Joylynn M. Ross
1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Kim Bullock-Hennix “Abundance in Books and Business: Achieve BIG and Walk Confidently as a Writer” 
3:00 p.m.-3:15 p.m. Break
3:15 p.m.-4:45 p.m. Andréa Simmons Esq. “Beyond the Basics of Copyrighting" 
5:00 p.m. Close Out in 7 Hills Conference Room


Friday 9/24/21
Registration & Breakfast 8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. (Breakfast served in hotel dining area)

8:45 a.m. Opening Remarks in 7 Hills Conference Center

9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Brandy Miller with 40 Day Writer “Judging a Book by its Interior: Typesetting Design Tips" 
10:30 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Break

10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Whitney Barkley with Speakerazzi “Create a Winning Podcast Strategy”

12:15 p.m.-1:15 p.m. Lunch and Learn “Defining the symptoms to the problem your book/business solves” with Joylynn M. Ross
1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Mamie Saunders with She Consulting LLC “Build a Powerful Personal Brand”
3:00 p.m.-3:15 p.m. Break
3:15 p.m.-4:45 p.m. Crafting Your Killer Pitch with Precious “Killer Pitch Master” Williams
5:00 p.m. Close Out in 7 Hills Conference Room
Saturday 9/25/21

Registration & Breakfast 8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. (Breakfast served in hotel dining area for registered guests only)

8:45 a.m. Opening Remarks in 7 Hills Conference Center

9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m.  Ned Barnett “Marketing Strategies that Work for Fiction & Non-Fiction”
10:30 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m. -12:15 p.m. “From Author to Business: Learn about HR, Payroll, and Policies” Presented by Brady Murphy with Bambee HR 
12:15 p.m.-1:15 p.m. Lunch and Learn “Describing your reader/customer” with Joylynn M. Ross
1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m.  “Book Clubs: What we’re looking for in a book of the month” panel and pitch session (multiple book clubs).
3:00 p.m.-3:15 p.m. Break
3:15-4:45 p.m. “Promote, Profit & Publishing: How to Become an Authority” Presented by Juliet Clark 
5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Closing/Excellence in Publishing Awards 

Who is this conference for besides authors and writers?


If you are any type of entrepreneur you should have a book, workbook, journal, planner, manual, how-to guide—some type of publication to extend your reach and help you claim your expert status—this conference is for you! A book should be part of every business.


Every professional speaker needs an extension of their message. How many times did you finish speaking and the audience asked you where they can purchase your book . . . and you didn't have one? Why are you not only leaving money on the table, but leaving an audience that you can continue to help with nothing?


YouTubers and bloggers, isn’t’ it time you share your skills and know-how in print beyond the internet? Ready to extend your reach from the cyber world to the real world? Then this conference is definitely for you as well.


Don’t want to publish your own story but want to help publish others’? We can provide you the information, resources, and services needed to become a publisher/publishing imprint/small press.


Pastors, preachers, ministers, and apostles: Your morning message should still have life come the next day . . . and the day after that. It should be able to reach those outside the church walls. Where is your publication? If you don't have one, at the conference you'll learn how to turn your messages into a publication that can reach the masses. Do you already have a publication and it's not reaching the masses, we can help you fix that too.


Along your life's journey, whether you did everything wrong or everything right, there is something you can teach/share with others. There is something inside of you that can change, alter, and save someone else's life. You have someone else's portion inside of you. And as long as you keep it to yourself--as long as you keep it inside of you--you are starving them. It's time you feed the people.



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“I met Amanda Stevens, a presenter at the 2019 ‘Act Like an Author, Think Like a Business Conference’. I reached out to her after the conference, and she has been so responsive and helpful. With her help, I am forming my LLC and applying for my business license. Joylynn Ross, your words resonated with me: ‘This is a real business. Don’t start small.’ I am doing what you told me to do.”


—Yvette Duran, Personal Narrative Expert, Irvin, California


"For seven years I used my own money to build my publishing business. SEVEN!! I attended the 'Act Like an Author, Think like a Business' Conference in Vegas two years in a row and learned how to make money from my books before they're even printed. All you have to do is do the work! With that being said, I received notification today that I'm a recipient for a $4K grant to pay for editing and other publishing services!!!"


—Nikki Anthony, Soon-to-be published author, Chicago, Illinois

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“I just got back from a wild ride at the 2019 ‘Act Like an Author, Think Like a Business’ Conference and it was fantastic! I not only had a great time, but I made some great new contacts and reinforced ones I'd made last year. Main instructor, Joylynn M. Ross, was magnificent in presenting—in just three days—everything you need to know about publishing and making money from your writing. Got me inspired!” 


—Ned Barnett, CEO of Barnett Marketing Communications, Las Vegas, Nevada 

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“Before I returned home from the 'Act Like an Author, Think Like a Business' 2019 Conference, I was asked to present a film workshop in Atlanta. I agreed, and was then given the dates with the promise of an email to follow that would provide further details. I received and opened the email, read it, and then closed it. I did this three times, checking the name to make sure it was not spam. I'd just received my first full paid gig; flight, hotel, ground transportation, table to sale merch, and an honorarium!!!! We are more than authors! We are a Big Deal! Thank you Joylynn Ross for teaching us how to get those coins with (and how to protect) our intellectual property!”


Danielle D. Smith, Award-Winning Author and Filmmaker, Columbus, Ohio

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"I am getting so excited about the “Act Like an Author, Think Like a Business” Conference. I will be there Wednesday night ready to start on Thursday! I can't wait to learn so many new things and put them to practice. Even though I have two published books, I have been taken advantage of and I'm ready to learn how to build up my defenses and become an author with the business side in me.”


—Author Rhonda Gatlin, Boulder City, Nevada

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"Path To Publishing doesn’t offer discounts for the conference because they don’t offer a discount experience!" 


—Gerald W Jones II, Certified Professional in Learning & Performance, Omaha, Nebraska

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Path To Publishing is sending a tremendously huge thank you to this year’s conference platinum media sponsor, Vegas Buzz TV. We are honored and privileged to welcome one if their media correspondents, Lisa Styles, to cover the 2021 "Act Like an Author, Think Like a Business" conference.


Lisa Styles is an Executive Producer, Entrepreneur, Lifestyle Expert and Author. Styles brings over 15 years of experience in Lifestyle TV production, as well as content creation and branding. You have seen her work on multiple red carpets with brands such as the Grammy Awards, Billboard Awards, BET Awards, Miss USA, BeautyCon, BuzzNetwork TV and countless beauty and lifestyle brands. 


We welcome Vegas Buzz TV, we welcome Lisa, and if you are serious about writing and publishing books or starting/running your own publishing company in excellence, we welcome you to register now at by clicking this link.

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