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Books & Hooks One-On-One Consulting

Hook your readers with your book!

1 h 30 min
500 US dollars

Service Description

Wouldn't you love it if you had a formula to create an amazing hook for your book as well as a clear marketing message? Work one-on-one with literary consultant and educator, Joylynn M. Ross, as she shares with you her formula that works with both fiction and non-fiction books. Joylynn's process goes beyond the standard “problem and solution” formula others teach. Joylynn adds several more steps to her process. Steps beyond helping you define the problem and solution your book solves and addresses because she doesn't want you to simply create hooks. As stated above, she wants you to create a clear marketing message, a message that can also serve as website text and social media content. With the content you create during this 90-minute session (that's worth way more in value and benefits than the $500 cost), you'll be better equipped to craft your back cover text/book synopsis as well. So, schedule your "Books & Hooks One-On-One" consulting session with Joylynn now. With this amazing, unique process, you'll walk away with a solid foundation and formula to continue to build upon and tweak your hook long after your session has ended, as well as apply to all your other books. Book your session right here on the Path To Publishing website or via PayPal to If paying via PayPal in installments, please state so in the summary (for example: $200 payment toward Books & Hooks with $300 balance [services will begin when paid in full]). Once you book your session, you will receive a questionnaire to complete as well as some tips to help you maximize and get the most out of your session. The completed questionnaire should be submitted 48 hours prior to your call to better prepare your consultant/coach to serve you. Please call 702-827-6865 on the date and time of your scheduled call. Or if you prefer Zoom, please login to the meeting using the link that will be provided to you once you state your preference. Please note this session is for one book title only.

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