Title: Act Like an Author, Think Like a Business: Ways to Achieve Financial Literary Success
Author: Joylynn M. Ross
Publisher: Path To Publishing
Date of Publication: March 2019, 2020
Price: $19.95
There’s literary success and there’s financial literary success...and you can have them both!
Do you want to make money with your book? Do you want to make a living as an author? There’s more to doing so than simply writing and publishing your book. Many authors dive into the literary industry without taking time to learn the business side of being an author. This could dramatically hinder your book sales and the money you can make as an author.
Without a guide such as this, mastering the art of financial literary success can take you years, and you’ll be sure to make mistakes during the learning phase. Some mistakes could cost you money; other mistakes will keep you from making money. This tool will allow you to avoid those mistakes altogether as well as:
- Shorten your learning curve on how to make money as an author
- Start making money with your book and literary business . . . now
- Provide tips to maximize and monetize your role as an author
- “Think outside the book” to make money other ways than book sales
This book will not only put you on the path of monetary opportunities, but by following the author’s proven systems and strategies, you can fund your literary success. To understand the difference between literary success and financial literary success, crack open this remarkable book. You’ll also crack the code to discovering what it feels like to achieve your literary dreams, visions, and goals!
“Because of ‘Act Like an Author, Think Like a Business’, I now have the tools and information necessary to run my writing career like a business and utilize my platform to help others soar!”— Stephanie Bridges, Founder and Publisher of In Spirit Power and Truth Publishing, LLC
“Having spent the past 35 years writing, publishing, and promoting my own books, as well as those of my clients, I thought I knew everything worth knowing . . . until I read Act Like an Author, Think Like a Business. It offers every published or soon-to-be-published author a smorgasbord of tips of the trade that will open the door to financial literary success.”—Ned Barnett, editor, writing coach, and author
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