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***Proceeding with registration consents to use of photos/audio/video footage of you at the conference by Path To Publishing and its partners for promotional/marketing/for profit use. ***


***Proceeding with registration means you agree Path To Publishing has taken the necessary measures and procedures to put policies in place to ensure the health and safety of the “Act Like an Author, Think Like a Business” 2020 Conference attendees, staff, presenters, volunteers, coordinators, assistants, vendors, workers, and employees as stated in the COVID-19 statement that appears on the conference website. You understand that neither Path To Publishing or its partners can be held liable or at fault for any COVID-19 related health issues.*** 




Please book your hotel reservations directly with the hotel by using the following link:



click above or enter the following web address


Attendees who prefer to contact the hotel and make their reservations by telephone (888-746-6955), a fee may be charged, will be able to do so once the registration link is active.  A phone number will be posted here.

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