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Join date: Apr 9, 2018


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I'm Joylynn M. Ross, writing as BLESSEDselling Author E. N. Joy, a native of Columbus, Ohio. This summer of 2017, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, I packed up my five-level split, five-bedroom home, and moved to a three-bedroom apartment in Las Vegas, Nevada. I have big dreams and goals in growing my literary business. To justify the move, not that it needed justifying, I often state, “Sometimes you have to downsize your lifestyle to supersize your business.”

The STILL fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada is where I'm finally operating in my true gifts and talents. It is where I am being exactly who God told me I would be. In Las Vegas is where my dreams are growing and manifesting beyond anything I could have ever imagined.

Only God would move me to the desert to water my dreams. But that is exactly what He did.

After thirteen years of being a paralegal in the insurance industry, I divorced my career and married my mistress and passion; writing. In the year 2000, I formed my own publishing company. Under Path To Publishing, an arm under the umbrella of my parent company, I teach what I have learned in almost 20 years in the literary industry. I do this by instructing writing and publishing online courses, workshops and webinars. September 20-22, 2018, I will be teaching over 200 hundred authors how to build their book, build their book business, and how to create multiple streams of income to sustain their book business at the “Act Like an Author, Think Like a Business” 2018 Conference.

I'm teaching! I’m a teacher! And that is exactly who God told me I was going to be.


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