In 1963, President John F. Kennedy issued the first proclamation recognizing older Americans. At that time, nearly a third of the country’s senior citizens lived in poverty and roughly half had no health insurance. The nation addressed the crisis to recognize our fellow Americans who had worked throughout their lives only to face impoverished conditions and no help for maintaining their changing health. Each year, the month of May continues to focus on and uphold the health and wellbeing of the country's 65+ citizens. The month acknowledges and recognizes the contributions these Americans have made to the country throughout their life. Path To Publishing is recognizing the 65+ community as well in the best way that Path To Publishing does: by helping them tell their stories. After a lifetime worth of experience, this group has a lot of stories to tell and messages to pass along to the younger generations. We’re here to help them do it. Not only do we offer direct coaching for those needing extra help to write and release their story, but we’ve also developed workshops for the 55+ community: “Write the Story You Haven’t Told” and “Letter to Your Younger Self.”

You can find out more about them on our website: